Born in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, on 7 March, 1967, and mainly brought up in Zushi City of Kanagawa Prefecture, Hiroyuki Yamamoto studied composition with Akira Kitamura, Jo Kondo and Isao Matsushita, and took both the bachelor (1990) and master (1992) degree in composition at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
Yamamoto’s prize-winning pieces include ‘Closed Figure’ (the 3rd Prize at The 58th Japan Music Competition, 1989), ‘Forma’ (JSCM Composition Award, 1996), ‘Canticum Tremulum I’ (the 3rd Prize, BMW Kompositionpreis der Musica Viva, 1998), ‘Canticum Tremulum II’ (both the 1st prize, Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2002 and the prize of The 13th Composition of Akutagawa Award for Music Composition). He was also awarded ‘The 51st Kanagawa Culture Award – Outstanding Youth Award’ for his outstanding achievements as composer, and his works have also been selected for performances at various music festivals, such as ‘Forum 91’ (Canada, 1991), ‘Gaudeamus Music Week ’94’ (Holland, 1994), ISCM World Music Days (Luxembourg, 2000, and also, Yokohama, Japan, 2001).
Yamamoto has so far composed about 100 pieces, for orchestra, chamber ensemble, various solo instruments, and some electronic music as well, and they have been performed by Le Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, Ensemble Contemporain de Montréal, Trio Fibonacci (these three ensembles are based in Montréal), Nieuw Ensemble (Amsterdam), Okeanos Ensemble (Manchester), Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (Munich), Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Cairo Symphony Orchestra (Cairo), The Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Ensemble Musica Practica, Quartet Excelsior, Ensemble Contemporary α (these four based in Tokyo), and other performers and performing groups, with some broadcast by radio, around the world.
In 1990, Yamamoto took part in the establishment of ‘TEMPUS NOVUM,’ with Haruyuki Suzuki, Yoshifumi Tanaka, Hiroshi Yokoshima, and some other composers, and since then, he has been an active member of the organization, which has held a lot of concerts with premiere pieces, many of them highly acclaimed. Along with composition for a lot of performers and ensembles, Yamamoto directed ENSEMBLE d’AME (Tokyo) for four years from 1997, and organized many concerts and events. He had a ‘private exhibition’ concert, consisting of his pieces only, in 2000, and since 2002, he has been producing concerts of ‘claviarea‘, where he organizes concerts with the pianist Kazue Nakamura.
Hiroyuki Yamamoto joined the Faculty of Education at Iwate University from April, 2003, then moved to the Faculty of Composition at Aichi University of the Arts from April, 2009. Now he lives in Nagoya City of Aichi Prefecture, Japan. His several pieces are published from BabelScores (Paris), Kazenone Music Publishing (Saitama), Nexuss Music Publishing (Hamamatsu), Sonic Arts (Tokyo), etc.
1967年山形市生まれ、主に神奈川県で育つ。1992年東京芸術大学大学院作曲専攻修了。在学中、作曲を近藤讓、松下功の両氏に師事。これまでに第58回日本音楽コンクール第3位(1989)、現音作曲新人賞(1996)、BMW musica viva作曲賞第3位(ドイツ/1998)、武満徹作曲賞第1位(2002)、第13回芥川作曲賞(2003)を受賞。またフォーラム91(カナダ/1991)、ガウデアムス国際音楽週間’94(オランダ/1994)、ISCM世界音楽の日々(ルクセンブルク/2000、横浜/2001)など、様々な音楽祭に入選している。作品はLe Nouvel Ensemble Moderne、Ensemble Contemporain de Montréal、Trio Fibonacci(以上モントリオール)、Nieuw Ensemble、Calefax Reed Quintet(以上アムステルダム) 、NZ Trio(オークランド)、POING(オスロ)、バイエルン放送交響楽団(ミュンヘン)、ルクセンブルク管弦楽団、カイロ交響楽団、東京都交響楽団、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、東京混声合唱団、ヴォクスマーナなど各地の演奏団体等により演奏され、またラジオで放送されている。演奏家や演奏団体、放送局等からの委嘱を受けて作曲を行っている傍ら、1990年より作曲家集団《TEMPUS NOVUM》に参加、2002年よりピアニスト中村和枝氏とのユニット活動《claviarea》を行うなど、コンサートの企画なども含む様々な活動を展開している。2002年第51回神奈川文化賞未来賞受賞。NPO Glovill理事、Ensemble Contemporary α(東京)、音楽クラコ座(名古屋)各メンバー。現在、愛知県立芸術大学教授。作品はBabelScores(パリ)、風の音ミュージックパブリッシング(埼玉)、ネクサス音楽出版(浜松)、ソニックアーツ(東京)等から出版されている。