Extended Waltzer for bass clarinet (revised from version of alto saxophone) will be performed by Shi...
Extended Waltzer for bass clarinet (revised from version of alto saxophone) will be performed by Shi...
10月はギタリスト山田岳さんのリサイタルにて、委嘱作《葉裏Lamina》が初演されます。 実はヴァイオリン属も含めて弦楽器を自分で弾いた経験がほぼないため、2015年の《中継のエレキギター》(佐藤紀雄...
My new piece, Paganish Night for four violas will be performed on 29th April at Werkstattbühne, Pfal...
My new piece associated with J.S.Bach will be performed at the regular concert of Ensemble Contempor...
À la recherche du texte perdu IV for female choir will be performed by Ryuta Nishikawa (cond) and Ak...